Monday 20 April 2009

Blog On Religion

Whilst doing this blog, i thought it would be good to give my views on religion, and how i think it can be placed in the category of being bad. People who are religous I can repect, and I believe everyone is entitled to believe what they want. But when it is peoples beliefs causing wars and killings of people, i don't see much point in it.
To me, i'm not religous in anyway shape or size, because I believe in evolution and science. I think that its a hard thing to believe in something there is no proof whatsoever in. I feel this way about all religions because believing in a world beyond our death limits us to what we do in our lives. Following these beliefs stop you from doing things that you deep down want to do.
This is why i feel that relgion is bad. I think eventually religion will cause another world war, which I thinks pretty stupid seeing as nothing is backed up.

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